Transportation troubles strike Again….

We NEED your help!

Our vans are the backbone of our rescue. They travel week in and week out rescuing dogs throughout the country. They have safely delivered thousand of rescued dogs to their foster or forever homes.

When one goes down, it puts a real strain on our capabilities. Our Ford Transit has been down for almost 2 weeks, they finally got the parts in and our van will be ready any day now.

As a result of our biggest van being down for this long was that we had no choice but to rent 2 vans to replace our big van. The dogs in the pictures are from a Missourri backyard breeder. These dogs would have gone to auction yesterday if we had not been able to get them. Had they been auctioned off, they would have continued to live a life of non-stop breeding, and confined the way you se e them in this pictures.

We are thankful we could go get them, but we cannot continue to rent these vehicles. They are extremely expensive.

Both the van bill and our rental bill will be due at the same time, leaving us with a $6785 bill that we just don’t have.

We desperately need your help with this. If we can’t come up with this by Monday, we will have to hault operations for a period of time. We will not be able to transport dogs to their forever homes and will not be able to say yes to ones needing rescue. This hurts.

Every donation helps and we are extremely grateful for anything you can contribute towards getting us back on the road again. You can make a Donation Here!

Thank you for your support,
<3 Big Fluffy
