Release The Kraken

Call to the Kraken. You are officially permitted to unleash.

This is Gigi. This dog was rescued a week ago today after having suffered unimaginable pain from an enormous tumor on her foot which had been there for a very long time. She was sick, in pain and frankly miserable from her condition when she arrived at the vet. We tried to save her life and we had no choice but to amputate her leg. Gigi died on Tuesday from post-surgical complications despite our best efforts. I am unspeakably angry because no one in law enforcement in McNairy County Tennessee seems to care that this dog suffered and died. Since when do people not care about the suffering of a dog?

Last week, I wanted to confirm if someone owned this dog and if so, why they provided no care at all and let her suffer. There is no animal control in this county, so we contacted the District Attorney last week. The DA’s office told me that they had no investigators* and they directed me to contact Brad Johnson at the McNairy County Sheriff’s office who I called and also emailed with pictures of this dog and her condition. I also gave them the information on who we believed might own the dog based on citizens who contacted us, including a name and an address, and the name of the vet where she was taken. I never received a response. I also called and left a message on their investigator’s voice mail. No response. I am not accustomed to being ignored by people whose job it is to investigate complaints. If it was a matter of needing to call someone else, no one had the courtesy to tell us, but I sincerely doubt that the sheriff lacked the authority to investigate. I most definitely question the will of the sheriff to investigate and this is unacceptable.

Fans, this is officially a FUBAR moment and I declare shenanigans. I am asking you to very, very politely contact the McNairy County mayor, Ronnie Brooks, and ask him why his Sheriff’s office did nothing to investigate this case of possible animal cruelty. You can email him at If you can’t email, feel free to fax him at (731) 645-3313 (for those without a fax, you can fax for free from your PC here:( Be respectful and be polite, and give him a chance to act. To act otherwise is to harm the cause and I know all of you care.

Thank you for caring about what happens to Gigi. Spread the word.

