

Labrador Retriever mix

Puppy (3-12 months)



Roxy Lytng

My Story

Meet the beautiful Macie. She is a feisty and lovable 12 week lab mix pup.
She is adorable, funny and silly all wrapped in a bundle of cuddly cuteness. Macie certainly believes she is the star of the show, and therefore beats her siblingsto treats, pets, belly rubs, and snuggles. I can’t say I blame her. She’s so pretty!!

At 12 weeks, Macie is all puppy. Her silly antics will make you laugh for hours, and you’ll find it easy to forgive her when she drags your favorite slippers through a mud puddle… what’s a little dirt amongst friends!

Macie is every bit as lovely as she is smart, and is rapidly learning how to be a fabulous house pet . She will soon master the art of pottying outside, sleeping through the night (snuggled up next to you of course), walking on a leash, and in no time at all, will be the delight of her forever family.

Don’t wait folks, Macie won’t be available for very long!

If you are interested in adopting this dog, please apply online, at then email