

Great Pyrenees mix

Young (1-3 years)



Kim Tompkins

My Story

Boo!! Did I scare you?? Didn’t mean to… I thought maybe you might be scared of ghosts. Well, don’t be scared of this Ghost. He’s a handsome Great Pyrenees mix who is definitely vying for a stunt double for Phantom of the Opera II…. the fluff version.

This handsome stud muffin (OK, he is neutered we promise) is a super awesome dog. Ask him, he’ll tell you. He has all the mannerisms and characteristics that folks who drool of Livestock Guardian Dogs possess. He’s large. He’s in charge and he’s super affectionate.. In his own way.

Ghost really needs a large bouncy happy dog to hang with. He loves to play and Pyr paw his doggie friends. Old, calm and reserved dogs will not enjoy this boy.

Ghost passed his cat test. He’d rather hang with his people than chase a kitty.

Most of all, Ghost likes his people. He is the life of the party, handsome and full of himself. Pyr rules apply for him. He’s a Pyr through and through, and we love him.

If you are interested in adopting this dog, please apply online, at http:, then email for more information about this awesome dog.