My Story
Introducing Boomer! Boomer is one of Leda’s pups who is ready for a forever home of his own. He is 11 weeks old and about 20 lbs now. Boomer’s foster Mamma says he is a little on the shy side when meeting new friends (of the 2 legged or 4 legged variety), but he warms up quickly! Methinks he is just playing hard to get! He is good with people and dogs of all ages, we’re not sure about cats. He alternates between playing with his sibling and crashing for nap time. He is smart and affectionate and loves to give kisses and get his belly rubbed. He is still a baby, so he will need help with potty training and learning his basic commands and house manners. He does well on group walks but is still learning the finer points of being on leash. Because he is a Great Pyrenees, would-be adopters MUST have Large Guardian Breed experience/knowledge. We also GREATLY prefer a fenced in yard for him to patrol as he gets older. If you are interested in adopting Boomer, please fill out an adoption application and then email Boomer can go anywhere we go!