My Story
Meet Bliss. She’s a 24 week old 30 lb Pyr probable lab/hound mix who is looking for her forever home. Bliss came to rescue with 10 of her litter mates. They and their beautiful Mama were dumped on the side of the road in rural Texas. Someone found them, called us, and we of course took them in. Now the puppies are ready to be adopted! When she’s full grown, we would think Bliss might weigh around 70 lbs.
Bliss is a sweet sassy young thing. She is currently living in foster care with a wonderful family and their two resident dogs and teenage sons. She gets along famously with all of them. She is almost completely house broken, is crate trained, sleeps through the night and walks well on a leash. She’s learned Sit and Down, and is really a wonderful girl.
At some point, Bliss will channel her inner Pyr, and do all the wonderful things that Pyrs do. For now, she’s still just a puppy and does all that puppies do.
Bliss is so ready for her forever home. She’s pretty much perfect. You know you want her!!
If you are interest in adopting Bliss, please fill out an application and then email