My Story
Okay ladies—wait. Is “ladies” politically correct? Can we say that on the
internet? I thought about this and concluded that of all the things we could be
accused of here at BFDR, political correctness would in no way be one of them.
But I digress.
I want the gals of a, ahem, certain age to think back to the time you first
realized that even the upper age of the people on IMBd’s Young Actor’s list is
closer to your children’s/nieces’/nephews’ than your own. It might have been
then that you first began to understand the value of, um, maturity while still
appreciating boyish charm, perhaps marked by a valiant struggle to render
admiration for the Hemsworth brothers dignified. And it might well have been
the first time it occurred to you how amazing it would be to find both maturity
and boyish charm in the same package.
Fans, Milo understands and wants you to know he has captured the essence of both.
Milo is a 40-odd pound Lab/Chow mix somewhere in the nine-year- old
range. Some of the life lessons he’s picked up along the way are house training,
being good with other dogs, and even being totally okay with cats. And people!
Milo is so okay with people that he aspires to an ambassadorship should there
ever be a presidential candidate who isn’t an embarrassment. He can also hang
out on his own day or night with the house looking just like you left it when you
While these are clearly his mature traits, be aware that Milo also drips
boyish charm. His fur is always fashionably tousled and, let’s face it, there’s not a
tat out there that can compete with a black-speckled tongue. He is completely
fine with being the center of your world and is more than happy to give you a
nudge in the unlikely event you overlook hugging him for extended periods. Milo
Looks forward to regular walks and is also something of a conversationalist.
Milo’s gunning for a home with a similar balance of dignity and shameless tail wagging.
Milo is currently being fostered in CT and is availible for adoption in surrounding staes and all New England. Please apply to adopt at and email