


Young (1-3 years)


Extra Large

Debbie Bender

My Story

Meet Murphy, the Landseer Newfoundland. He became a Big Fluffy because he wasn’t seeing eye-to-eye with the other dogs in his home. Murphy is 2-1/2 years old and 156 lbs. of incredibly handsome eye candy.

This cuddle-monster loves being around all people and getting all the love they can give. Everyone wants to see and pet on Murphy when they see him, so be prepared to be stopped on the street and ignored while Murphy gets all the attention. Murphy can go to any home with kids over 12, and no other pets. He is house and crate trained and a dream on a leash. He wants his people home more often than not so he can soak up all the love all the time. He is a low energy dog so he would be happy to sit with you and watch Netflix while you pet him endlessly.

When Murphy wants to play, his favorite pastime is to play tug. He asks that you be able to actually give him some competition, unlike his current foster mama, who lets him win way too much.

No fence required for those dedicated to leash walking away from other dogs.

If you are interested in adopting this dog, please apply online, at then email